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adjusted rate中文是什么意思

用"adjusted rate"造句"adjusted rate"怎么读"adjusted rate" in a sentence


  • 调整率
  • 修正率


  • It has adjusted rates to the best of its ability .
  • Adjust rate of descent to cross xk at 7000m
  • You are well above ( below ) the glide path , adjust rate of descent
  • A study on pricing for adjusted rate mortgage - backed securities based on jump - diffusion interest rate model
  • His plan were make it earlier for borrowas holding adjust rate mortgages to re - finance those loans to the government housing authority
  • New home construction projects tumbled 14 . 6 percent in october compared to september to a seasonally adjusted rate of 1 . 486 million units , the commerce department said
    据美国商务部消息, 10月美国国内新屋开工数量环比骤减14 . 6 ,经过季节调整并折合年率后的数字为148 . 6万套。
  • In the three cases , it approaches how to adjust cash flow or how to adjust rate of discount in order to get a correct investment policy
  • Now seems to be a good opportunity to liberalise the capital account further and allow the large pool of domestic savings to seek higher risk - adjusted rates of return overseas . so no celebration , and we remain vigilant
  • Third , the author analyzes the method on rate of return , method on risk - adjusted rate of return , multifactor models , market timing model , and point out applicable range and defect on methods of above all
  • Basically , the difficulty in assessing the risks of different financial instruments in different jurisdictions , and of the jurisdictions themselves , makes it difficult to calculate with confidence what the risk - adjusted rates of return are
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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